Dec 20, 2010

Final fishing this year

After I got transferred to the marketing group, I started getting really busy and I couldn't write this blog.
I went flyfishing to a lake in Tochigi pref. Yesterday. I went alone by rent-a-car because my friend went to another lake for ice fishing.
We couldn't get a big fish.
It'll be a last fishing of the year.

Feb 26, 2010

Japanese smelts

I went to a lake in Gumma-Pref. for ice fishing this Wednesday. I could take the day off this Wednesdy to make up for last sunday. As may be expected of weekday, Few anglers went there.

I caught 39 Japanese smelts. It was a first time to fish on the ice. And then I ate the small fish as that dinner. Its was so delicious.

It was sunny, so I was snow-tanned.
I'll cast for a trout next month because of the opening of the trout fishing season in March.